Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday's Look Back

In Thursday's Look Back, I'll look back at things that I either missed the band wagon on or things I think other people did.

This week I look back at...

The Walking Dead (Television Show)

I think it's quite clear that this is not something other people missed out on. No, that was definitely me. But that was not because of my family. No, my two siblings and my dad watch this and early on tried to get me to, too. And let's take a look to as why that didn't work.

I was never the biggest horror fan. So when this first came on, I thought this was just a horror zombie thing. And I don't know if I was right or not, but nothing ever got me to tune in. I've since caught two episode because of aforementioned family. And though those episodes weren't scary, they were very much a zombie show and that didn't make want to catch and watch the show.

Then there were all the mixed reviews after the first season. So said season two was making the show better every episode and many others said the complete opposite. That is was getting worse. My family certainly thought the second. And that continued every season, including the current one. So that has always stopped me from catching up. That and the show just never seemed interesting to me. 

And it's also not because I don't like zombies. I do. World War Z is a great book. Zombieland cracks me up. I've even played the Telltale Game, The Walking Dead. And I loved it. Not the way it made me feel. but the game itself. I just don't care much for the show.

So, that's that. I don't get what's so special about the show. But if you do, good for you. Everyone has their own tastes. And obviously a lot of people disagree with mine. If you do like it, can you explain it to me because my family sure has tried.

Is there anything you have missed out on? Anything you think I should check out? Leave a comment.

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